Wednesday, September 21, 2011

It has been AWHILE

Well, nobody reads this anyway, but it has been almost a year since my last post. For one thing, my friend who was diagnosed with stage 4 ovarian cancer in my last post is doing VERY well. She is cancer free and is moving to NC soon with her partner. I wish them the best. The baby nephews arrived in December and January. Yes, the ? in my last post oh so long ago turned out to be a boy. He was born early and had to spend some time in the hospital, but both guys are doing well and growing like little weeds. I have also changed jobs. Main jobs anyway. I am still helping my old boss with some stuff as supplemental income which will be nice, but a new day job. It's pretty cool with more people and better benefits. I like it. Personal life is good. I am still quite in love with my wonderful S. We still have 5 critters.... The puppies are grown and they are sweet 85% of the time. I just love them! What can I say? I am busier than a one-armed paper hanger, but maybe some blogging will be good for me. Maybe one of these days I will even get a reader!!!!