Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Busy... Active... Whatever you want to call it.

Hey! I know that I am new to blogging anyway, but WOW life has really been chugging along lately. I feel like if I don't hold on tight, I will just fall right out of it. Anyway, to update... our friend A, who has a baby L, is moving away to the midwest. I haven't been able to see them as much as I would like, but you know when you meet someone and there is just that instant connection, you know that you will always be friends. I mean, seriously... we had not seen her in months, but she has just fit right into our lives over the past two weeks including spending the night with us tonight before leaving tomorrow for her new home. I love LOVE her little girl, L. I was birth coach during the pregnancy so I feel a special attachment to her anyway, but when that little one looks at me and smiles, or reaches for me, or gives me a big hug... I MELT. I have to admit.. I LOVE KIDS. I used to think that I would make a great mother... and I might.. but I will never find out. Call me selfish... but I like playing with them and then giving them back. I have 2 nieces- ages 13 and 9, one nephew- to be 12 in a few weeks PLUS another nephew as well as a ? due this winter. Yep... both of my sisters are having babies. I think that is cool. And I will get to be the cool aunt that spoils them all. S and I took the oldest niece shopping for school clothes the other day. It was REALLY fun!! The niece got some cool clothes plus some shoes she really wanted. It is a day I will always look to and I hope she does as well. Also, we have had a friend that has been really sick in the hospital. Thank GOD she is doing so much better because we ALMOST lost her and that would have been awful.

On a more positive note, S and I are starting a new morning routine. I really hope it lasts and I am going to do my best to stick with it. Usually, I get up at 5:30, take my shower, and then get S up. We go downstairs, watch the news, drink coffee, play with the dogs, etc. and then I get ready for work, we pray, I leave. Well, this morning, we BOTH got up at 5:00 am, put on our workout clothes, had a smoothie made from juice, fruit, and yogurt, then went for a 20 minutes walk. It felt NICE out this morning. It was dark, but the streetlights were on. We came back home, then had coffee and did our readings. I took a shower and got dressed while she took a quick spin on her bike, then we prayed and I left. It was a nice morning and accomplished with just getting up thirty minutes earlier. We are starting slow, but will hopefully pick up the pace. I think it will be fun!!!!!

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