Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A lot can happen in a year...

One year ago, S and I came home from work to find that the cat we had been feeding outside had given birth to FIVE kittens. She had them in a shed two doors down on an old tarp. Of course we could not let them stay there so we brought them to our house. Now.. keep in mind we were already feeding the 3 other kittens she had in the spring as well as a cat of our own AND a dog. But... what can you do? We could not let them die. So... we brought them home and momma kitty was SO good. She nursed all 5 and they were SO cute!!! We kind of began to stress over what to do when they got bigger, but we decided to pray about it and release it into God's hands. Wouldn't you know that we managed to place all 5 of them in good homes where we know they are loved. One of them lives at our church so we can even see her from time to time. It's amazing to think of how much can happen in one year's time. It is also amazing to think that the power of release is one of the most precious powers to practice and treasure. I know some people think that God could not possible care about us, or they don't believe because they cannot see Him. S and I have both learned that what is really happening is that humand are control freaks. We try to take care of it ourselves instead of releasing control to our higher power. It works! I can attest! I really did not mean to preach a sermon, but this was on my mind today.

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